Kids get fit, feel healthy & brimming with confidence through the official NISA ‘learn to skate’ programs at QUEENS. Our experienced tutors will guide your nippers through all eight grades, with badges and certificates up for grabs, while grownups can watch from either of our two viewing spots that overlook the whole rink.
Sit Down and Stand up
March forwards across the ice
Forward two foot glide
Skate and Dip (little man)
Turn around on the spot
Backwards Marching across the ice
Forwards Swizzles (lemons)
Forward two foot glide on a curve (left & right)
Two foot turn on the spot (forwards to backwards, backwards to forwards)
Snowplough or t-stop
Forward stoking (showing correct use of blade)
Moving two foot turn (forwards to backwards, backwards to forwards)
Backwards swizzles (lemons)
Backwards two foot glide
Forward one foot glide ( left & right)
Forward outside edges on a circle (left & right)
Forward inside edges on a circle (left & right)
Basic forward slalom (basic outside/inside edges)
Forward continuous chasses around a circle (left & right)
Backward outside edges on a circle (left & right)
Backward inside edges on a circle (left & right)
Backward continuous chasses around a circle (clockwise & counter-clockwise)
Forwards crossovers (clockwise & counter-clockwise)
Forward outside three turns (left & right) from standstill
Forward inside three turn (left & right) from standstill
Backwards outside edges step to forward outside edge on a circle
Backwards crossovers (clockwise & anti-clockwise)
Backward two foot slalom
Two foot spin (min 2 revs)
Forward inside open mowhawk (left & right)
Backwards crossovers to landing position glide
Continuous forward outside edges along a straight line (as per level 1 field moves)
Continuous forward inside edges along a straight line (as per level 1 field moves)
Basic forwards cross rolls
Continuous outside three turns around a circle (3 in a row) left & right
Continuous inside three turns around a circle (3 in a row) left & right
Step sequence: three turns, mowhawk, cross rolls, twizzles, toe steps etc.
Forward inside single twizzle (left & right)
Hockey skaters forward drag (left & right)
One foot spin (min 2 revs)/ Hockey skaters 2 foot spin (min 4 revs)
Forwards and backwards cross-overs in a figure of 8
Forwards outside spiral on a curve (left and right)
Spin on one foot (min 4 revs) optional entry & exit
Waltz jump from 4-5 back crossovers (held landing for count of 3)
Bunny hop into Drag
Single Salchow
Spin on one foot (min 4 revs) entry from backward crossovers stepping into forward outside edge, landing position exit
Backward spiral on a curve (left and right)
Backwards crossovers around a circle into an extended landing position for the count of 3 (left and right)
Teapot on either foot (forwards or backwards)
Backwards outside one foot spin (min 1 rev)
Single toe-loop (with correct takeoff - not a toe three jump)
Spiral sequence: Forward outside spiral, forward outside three turn, two backward crossovers, back inside spiral (spirals held for 3 seconds) clockwise and counter-clockwise
A simple step sequence: Must have three turns, Mowhawks, Chasses, Crossrolls, Toe Steps; these can be done on any edges, forwards or backwards
Combination of skating movements, turns, jumps and spins in a short routine; with or without music (max 1minute 30seconds)
Advanced footwork and step sequences
Choctaws, toe steps and double 3 turns
Change of edge, brackets and counters
Spins - upright, sit spin, camel spin and change foot spin
Jumps - loop, flip and jump combinations
Spiral sequences and routines