Our NISA-accredited group Learn to Skate course teaches the fundamentals of ice-skating so your little skaters (5+) can make the most of their time on the ice.

Courses run during term time, so the duration (& cost) aligns with the term length (i.e. 4-7 weeks). The programme includes 1 x lesson per week, skate hire, badge & certificate.

Our next course will start 24th February 2025 and run for 6 consecutive weeks. Bookings now open.


You can book our coaching crew for 1-on-1 or group tuition during any open skate session & during times reserved for only private tuition.

Simply choose a coach, contact them directly and book your ice-skating ticket before you arrive at QUEENS.


The advanced Post Passport course includes 1 x lesson per week, skate hire, lesson booklet, level stamps, achievement badges, & a completion certificate.

Each course is unique & runs for between 4-6 sessions, costing around £80 per child (varies depending on course length).

Your kids may work on:

Advanced footwork & step sequences

Choctaws, toe steps & double 3 turns

Change of edge, brackets & counters

Spins – upright, sit spin, camel spin & change foot spin

Jumps – loop, flip & jump combinations

Spiral sequences & routines


Our unique program has been designed by professional coaches who specialise in Dancing on Ice. No matter if you’re a beginner, an intermediate, or a strong skater, at Queens we’ll have the pros ready to guide you thru your first steps or your first twizzle.

Your ticket includes:

Classes tailored to your skill level

30 minutes of tuition in small, intimate class sizes

Skate hire – Roxa “comfort lined’ skates

An over 18s learning environment

The expertise of the UK best coaches

We’re so sure you’ll love it, we’ll refund your first lesson if you don’t!

Book Late Skate Sessions

Every night 9pm – close

Book Madness Combo

Avail Mon and Tue

Book It’s Just Madness

Avail Mon and Tue